Anushka Sharma’s hair-care secrets for gorgeous hair during winter

It’s time to fight the winter wrath on our hair and have gorgeous tresses this season!

Anushka Sharma’s hair care secrets for gorgeous hair during winter

Winter in your city may or may not require a jacket for your body, but your hair needs a protective cover. Lack of moisture during winter is our biggest enemy for our hair – it leads to dry hair, which tends to break easily. Low humidity also makes hair very frizzy and unmanageable. A perfect set of tresses have the potential to look like total disaster once winter approaches.

With the winter season setting in Anushka has some hair care tips to share for all her readers:

- Pamper your hair – Moisturising your hair during winters is as important as moisturising your skin. A hot coconut oil massage two to three times a week before a complete wash helps hair regain the moisture.

- Use natural products that give you nourishment and condition your hair – Use of chemicals during winters will only add to your trouble. It’s a great time to go herbal. A mixture of egg and warm coconut oil gives hair the deep conditioning it requires during the winters. Your goal is to make your hair as healthy (and therefore gorgeous) as possible.

Anushka Sharma’s hair care secrets for gorgeous hair during winter

- Manage without Technology – Avoid using the damaging blow dryers/hair curlers to manage your hair. With regular hot coconut oil massage, your hair will regain the moisture and manageability for any hairstyle you choose to flaunt in the winter.

- Care for your hair from the inside and outside – Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep hydrated. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to improve the overall health of your hair. Avoid foods that contain too much oil, as these may make your hair oily.

- Be judicious in your use of styling – Opt for products that are composed of natural ingredients rather than going for the chemically driven ones.

According to hair-care expert Dr. Rashmi Shetty, “A hot coconut oil massage lubricates the scalp and prevents it from drying and flaking. The massage improves blood circulation which in turn helps in making the hair shaft and roots stronger. Going herbal during winter like Anushka suggests is the perfect way to fight the winter hair. Herbs like Rosemary and Thyme add not only fragrance but also make hair healthy and improve shine.”

Anushka Sharma’s hair care secrets for gorgeous hair during winter

Quotes from Anushka on Oiling:

- I avoid washing my hair without oiling them and keep it for at least an hour before shampooing. Nothing works better than a good hot coconut oil massage that keeps the scalp and hair strong and healthy. For my skin I make sure I drink a lot of water and juices. Also I follow my daily skin care routine.

- My shampoos and conditioners have always changed but one thing that never changes is my coconut hair oil. I keep oiling my hair in all the season; this helps me provide necessary moisture to my hair. Oiling should be an extremely important part of every woman’s hair care regime. A good-quality coconut hair oil provides nourishment to ones hair. Nourishment is essential for healthy, strong and beautiful hair. Coconut oil increases the blood circulation in the scalp, ensuring that the hair is healthy and high on moisture content. Regular use of coconut oil forms a coat on hair & prevents moisture from escaping. Coconut oil helps cut down the static charges of flyaway hair, softens my hair and restores its sheen.

Source: Perfect Relations

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